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Aberdeen Paintings
Mostly plein-air scenes around town, the harbour, Fittie and Old Aberdeen. There are more sketches in Urban Sketches.
Trees at King's
Under the trees at New Kings College, Aberdeen. On Fontaine 140lb 22x15"
Orchard Cottage
Orchard Cottage, Spital Walk, Old Aberdeen. On Fontaine 140lb, 22x15"
Cromwell Tower
Cromwell Tower from Elphinstone Lawn, Aberdeen University. On Fontaine 140lb 22x15"
The Bishop's Lodging, High Street
Once known as the Bishop's Lodging, 96 High Street, Old Aberdeen. On Bockingford 140lb 16x12"
Old Aberdeen at Wrights' and Coopers' Place
On Fontaine 140lb 22x15"
On the Lawn
Elphinstone Lawn, Aberdeen University, on Fontaine 140lb 22x15"
St Machar's
Interior of St Machar's Cathedral. Aberdeen. On Seawhite 165lb, 16x24"
Old Aberdeen High Street at Meston Walk
Sunny afternoon in Old Aberdeen, On Fontaine 140lb 22x15"
College Bounds and University Road
College Bounds and University Road in sun. On Fontaine 140lb, 22x15"
Spring Springing
Spring arrives on the High Street by Douglas Lane, Old Aberdeen. On FOntaine 140lb 15x22"
Correction Wynd
Correction Wynd Aberdeen, at the steps up to Union St. On Fontaine 140lb 15x22"
Looking into Correction Wynd
Looking north from Union Street. On Bockingford, 12x16"
High Street, Old Aberdeen
High Street, Old Aberdeen. Looking towards New King's Gateway arch from the north. On Fontaine 140lb, 22x15"
New King's Gateway
New King's Gateway, High St, Old Aberdeen. Built in 1912 to commemorate the founding of the university on the 10th of February '1494' - the date on the gateway honours the Middle Ages dating system, when the year 1495 began on the 25th of March. Fontaine 140lb, 22x15"
The Doll's House, Old Aberdeen.
The Doll's House, by the tiny park off the Spital, Old Aberdeen. On Fontaine 140lb, 22x15"
Meet you at 5
Waiting for my wife at Castle Square at twilight, on Bockingford 16x12"
Wrights' and Coopers' Place, Old ABerdeen.
Just off the High Street in Old Aberdeen. 22x15" On Fontaine 140lb.
Grant's Place
Grant's Place, Old Aberdeen. On Fontaine 140lb 22x15"
King's Quad
King's Quad with Cromwell Tower, Aberdeen. On Fontaine 140lb 22x15"
Brig o'Balgownie
The Old Bridge over the Don, on Bockingford 140lb 16x12"
Backlit King's
King's Chapel, the cloister and lawn looking from the Taylor Building. On Fontaine 140lb, 22x15"
Wagril's Lane
Wagril's Lane, Old Aberdeen. Painted through snow and sleet showers, on Bockkingford 12x16"
Brebner's Court
Brebner's Court, Aberdeen. On Fontaine 140lb, 15x22"
Littlejohn Street
Littlejohn Street from the Gallowgate, Aberdeen. On Bockingford 140lb 12x16"
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